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Dance as Major Science and Prominent Medicine

Dance as Major Science and Prominent Medicine

Edición digital en inglés.

Autores: Girish Kamanuri
Editorial: Girish Kamanuri; N.º 1 edición (16 enero 2019)



Editorial : Girish Kamanuri; N.º 1 edición (16 enero 2019)
Idioma: : Inglés
Tamaño del archivo : 16841 KB
Uso simultáneo de dispositivos : Sin límite
Texto a voz : Activado
Tipografía mejorada : Activado
X-Ray : No activado
Word Wise : Activado
Longitud de impresión : 107 páginas


Dance is magical word and can reshape choreography in life to bring revolution in Brain Functions. Dance is an objective word to see ourselves in real shape, to understand every move we stepped in to lead life. Brain is a power house in human body and need to energize brain and its functions through Dance or Movements.
This book is based on the study of movements or choreography of movements in life, which alter the brain function – To Heal, Transport and development of human Brain through Dance.
Study of movements defines the art of living through dance. Dance and movements are nothing but choreographed and non-choreographed sequences. Study of movements in choreographic way will lead to revolution of human brain.
This book is based on the study of movements which brings revolutionary change in the brain. Complete theory is acting upon the movements lost or created by the human brain. Dance in other word can be described as the movements itself.
Complete research book is written in a very simple language towards understanding the concept and visualization.

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